

My name is Alie Farrand, I am a senior, International Studies major. I spent a semester abroad in Argentina and Ecuador, so I already have an interest in the language and culture. Additionally, I felt that this course would be beneficial for an internationally focused career. I look forward to meeting everyone!

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Hi.  My name is Audrey Ling and I am from Maryland.  I am a sophomore majoring in Biology and Spanish.  I took this class because I want to increase my speaking fluency.

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Hi everyone, I am Caio Santos Rodrigues and I am a senior from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I am a philosophy major and psychology minor. I decided to take this course because I wanted to improve my Spanish skills and learn professional vocabulary. I plan on using my skills in my future job and hometown (New York City!).

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My name is Nora Krantz and I’m a sophomore from upstate NY.  I’m a Spanish and women’s and gender studies double major (probably).  I studied abroad in Málaga last summer and I’m hoping to be able to study abroad in Argentina in Fall 2016.  I chose to take this class because I want to improve my Spanish speaking and vocabulary, and the topic is very interesting!

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Hi, my name is Billy Dougherty, and I am a sophomore environmental science and earth science double major, minoring in Spanish from Pittsburgh, PA.  I run cross country and track for Dickinson, and I am interested in this class because I hope to improve my Spanish for practical uses in the future while continuing to learn the language.

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Me llamo Steph, y vivo en Hershey, Pensilvania. Este es mi tercer año en Dickinson, y estudio la gestión de la política (Policy Management) y el Español. Soy un miembro de Dickinson Christian Fellowship y trabajo en la cafetería. Estoy interesado en esta clase porque encaja bien con los dos de mis concentraciones.

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Hey everyone, my name is Michael Klim and I’m a senior majoring in International Businesses and minoring in Econ and Spanish.  I had the opportunity to study abroad in Málaga last year, and I’ve worked with Mexican and South American workers in largely Spanish-speaking environments in the past at home in Pittsburgh.  From this class I’d like to increase my business vocabulary in Spanish, and to continue building my speaking skills.

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¡ Hola !

My name is Toni Ortega and I am sophomore INBM & Policy Management double major. I’m originally from Queens, New York, but now I live in Atlanta.  I’m looking forward to improving both my verbal and written language skills during this course in addition to learning new vocabulary. Because of the storm, my flight was delayed until Wednesday afternoon, so I probably won’t be able to make it to class. But, I look forward to meeting everyone on Friday !

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¡Hola! My name is Alison Rice, but most people call me Ali. I am a sophomore from Larchmont, NY, which is about 30 minutes outside of New York City, and I am a Political Science and American Studies double major. I intend to pursue a minor in Spanish, and will hopefully get the opportunity to study abroad in Malaga this fall. I chose to take this class to continue to better my abilities to read, write, and speak in Spanish. I also think that this class will be very useful in whatever I end up pursuing later on.

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My name is Michael Dunn-Weiss and I am a sophomore studying INBM and a minor in both Economics and Spanish. I’m looking forward to advancing my reading comprehension skills and my written skills, but I will be prioritizing improving my speaking as I intend to study in Málaga next spring.

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