January 16th, 1915
День прошел спокойно. Была слышна орудийная и пулеметная стрельба. Погода хорошая. В ночь с 14 на 15 января я даже спал на улице на возу сена. Вечером нас потревожили в 11 часов и вызвали к штабу дивизии, но дальше мы не пошли. Легли спать только в 1 час ночи. Говорят, что у наших литовских гусар ранен командир эскадрона и 4 улана.
It was an uneventful day. You could hear the sound of gunfire in the distance. The weather was good. The night of January 14th into the 15th, I even slept outside on a cart of hay. During the evening we were woken up at 11 pm and brought to the division headquarters. It was 1 in the morning before we went to sleep. I’ve heard that the commander of the Lithuanian hussars and 4 of his lancers have been injured.