Search Results for: ian burton

About Ian Burton, Canadian Scientist

Dr. Ian Burton is Scientist Emeritus with the Adaptation and Impacts Research Group (AIRG) of the Meteorological Service of Canada and an Adjunct Professor with the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto. He previously held positions as … Continue reading

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Ian Burton on the Potential Impact of CDR on the Negotiations

Want to learn more about this interviewee? About Ian Burton This is the only video from this interviewee in our database. Dr. Ian Burton was Scientist Emeritus of the Adaptation and Impacts Research Group (AIRG) and represented Canada, a nation … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptation, Canada, Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, Issues, Mitigation, North America, View All | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Search Interviews by Country

Search video footage from COP-15 by interviewee’s country of origin or representation. Our research team feels that an understanding of the perspectives of different nations at the COP-15 negotiations is an important asset to an overall understanding of the issues. … Continue reading

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Search video footage from COP-15 by interviewee’s country of origin or representation. Our research team feels that an understanding of the perspectives of different nations at the COP-15 negotiations is an important asset to an overall understanding of the issues. … Continue reading

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