Following are some guidelines to ensure student privacy as required by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Art (FERPA).
• Student grades, schedules, student ID numbers, social security numbers or other personally identifiable information must never be made public via social media in your classes without express written consent from the students.
• You should communicate the conditions and issues associated with any tool you choose at the beginning of the academic term, preferably in the syllabus (see example below). Students should be advised that they will be posting to public social media platforms and their postings will be publicly available on the internet.
• Students should not be required to release personal information, including their name, on a public site. Students must be allowed to use an alternative, such as an alias, when posting in a public forum.
• Faculty should remind students to avoid posting any personal information about their classmates (e.g. schedules, names).
• Instructor comments or grades on student material should not be made public.
Privacy options for Dickinson Blogs
o To change the visibility of your Dickinson blog so that only members may view content, go to the WordPress dashboard and select Plugins>Installed Plugins and activate the Members Only plugin.