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Brightspace Project Updates

We will use the Dickinson Today announcement feature to share information and updates. We’ll keep an archive of those communications here.

January 2025 D2L Brightspace Project Update: We held the official kickoff meeting on January 22nd. The first month or so will be a lot of meetings for Academic Technology, Infrastructure Services, and some other participants depending on the topic of the meeting. This phase of implementation is commonly referred to as Discovery and Design. D2L needs to learn from us how we’d like to do certain things like SSO authentication, organizing courses into sub-units within the system, send roster information from Banner to Brightspace, incorporate the academic assessment workflow into Brightspace, etc. As we explain to our partners at D2L how things need to be done, the D2L people will make our Brightspace instance match our needs. You can learn more about the project here: Learning Management System Project | Dickinson College



