Angelo Tarzona ’21, Earth Science, Houston, TX: It is my pleasure to be a Watershed Coordinator this summer at the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring. I am excited to learn how to become more involved with our volunteers and learn more about their streams. We have a lot of Stream Team workshops coming soon, so I am looking forward to enhancing my public speaking skills in training settings. Finally, I am looking forward to experiencing the summer season here in Carlisle, PA!
Shante Toledo ’21, Environmental Studies, Albuquerque, NM: During my time at ALLARM over the summer, I am going to be finishing my research on the Clean Water Act, and the connection between different levels of government to water quality monitoring on reservations. In addition, I will be practicing my teaching skills at workshops and getting to work in the lab for the first time! I cannot wait to see what else ALLARM has in store for us.
Helen Swann ’20, Environmental Science, Lexington, MA: As one of the summer watershed coordinators, I will be maintaining outreach efforts by creating Instagram and blog posts, conducting independent research on the effects of hydraulic fracturing on water, working in the lab, and assisting in workshops. I hope to strengthen my teaching skills by connecting with volunteers in workshops and events. I am also really excited to go LeTort monitoring for the first time and enjoy the lovely Carlisle summer!