First Week as an ALLARMie!

Working with ALLARM for my first week has been one of the highlights of my week.  I was able to get a taste of all the hard work that goes into ALLARM. I listened to two meetings…the first one being a Stream Team Open Call. I found it incredibly informative to hear experiences from partners and volunteers who conduct monthly field monitoring.  I also heard some excellent tips for water monitoring in winter weather that were shared amongst the group.  To date I have only done stream monitoring in spring weather, as a result I learned a lot about the ways in which you need to take different precautions in the winter. While we may not have been able to meet in person, everyone was present and contributing to the meeting which was wonderful to see. I also joined a Stream Team information session. I was able to learn a lot more about what it truly means to be a part of Stream Team.  Both of these meetings gave me perspective on how ALLARM has reached out beyond Carlisle and is always making an effort to reach further.  I look forward to learning more!