Restoration Monitoring on the Yellow Breeches

On July 3, the ALLARM team hosted a workshop at the Yellow Breeches Creek with Cumberland County project partners to go over the Community-Based Restoration Monitoring Protocol. This protocol, which has been in development for the past few years, is aimed at assessing the effectiveness…

Training the Northern Tier Stream Team

On Friday, June 14th, ALLARM staff Jules Vastine (ALLARM director), Isabel Ruff (Volunteer Monitoring Specialist), Crosby Wilkin ‘26, Uyen Bui ‘27, and myself embarked on a three-hour road trip to Susquehanna County to visit ALLARM’s Northern Tier Stream Team for their third in-person training. The…

A completed pH tube is placed in the viewer which allows the reader to match the color of the test, to a pH reading.

What’s Up With the pH Dropper Bottles?

ALLARM’s manuals and procedures are curated to make sure volunteers are consistently getting good quality results from their water quality testing. One of the trainer tips used by our volunteers, and highlighted in our Stream Team manual, which may often being overlooked is the angle…

Students wade into the stream to collect a macroinvertebrate sample for the students.

Our Youth Education Experience with East Pennsboro Summer Camp!

On June 12, the ALLARM summer team hosted our first youth education event of the summer with the East Pennsboro Summer Camp. Using science as a tool to understand the health of our local streams, we taught children, ranging from 5-12 years old, about the…

A Unique Experience with the Collaborative Learning School

One June 5th, ALLARM hosted an event for the Collaborative Learning School (CLS) at Stuart Park. Participants took part in a series of educational experiences, many of which occurred at the Dickinson College Farm, the theme of which was to discuss sustainable food systems in…

Diving in to Data Orientation

On Thursday, April 4th, Michelle Hom ('24) and I virtually attended the Stream Team Data Orientation meeting that was hosted by ALLARM and facilitated by Jules Vastine, Phoebe Galione, Isabel Ruff, and fellow watershed coordinator Emma Spinelli ('25). This virtual event aimed to give volunteers…

A Full Circle Moment – Visiting ENST 162

On Tuesday, March 19th, we (Max Carfrey '26 and Emma Spinelli '25) had the privilege of visiting Professor Benka-Coker’s Environmental Studies 162 class along with ALLARM director, Jules Vastine. The purpose of this class visit was to introduce ALLARM, discuss the Clean Water Act, and…

Our first Monthly Monitoring Workshop!

Every so often, ALLARM hosts virtual monitoring workshops where both new and seasoned volunteers from across the state are able to come together and practice monitoring techniques, be refreshed on tips and tricks, and ask any questions they may have. On February 27th, four student…

Values and Approaches to Community Based Science

“The environmental justice movement has changed the way scientists, researchers, policy makers, and educators go about their daily work. This bottom-up movement has redefined environment to include where people live, work, play, go to school, as well as how these things interact with the physical…

Checking In with Cumberland County Stream Team!

On February 13th, ALLARM held a check-in meeting with the Cumberland County Stream Team. Despite winter weather resulting in several inches of snow that morning, volunteers from Cumberland County braved the cold and attended the meeting to share some experiences and refill their stream kits!…

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