Watershed Specialist Conference

Entering the month of October, I presented the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring’s (ALLARM) Study Design Process at the Pennsylvania Watershed Specialist Conference, State College, PA. This was my first time presenting at a conference for ALLARM [with our director] Julie Vastine. One of my highlights throughout the conference was seeing Lori Glace, [the Watershed Specialist of] the Cumberland County Conservation District. Regarding my presentation, I was nervous at first because it seemed like people knew what study design was, or had gone through the process already. However, I was able to reinforce their experience and knowledge with other factors like the importance of Study Design and how [crucial it is to prioritize] concerns within the watershed. All in all, it was a wonderful conference and I was able to meet other Watershed District Specialists that are familiar with ALLARM and knew the value of [this] organization.


Angelo Tarzona and Julie Vastine standing in front of a presentation

Julie Vastine (left) and Angelo Tarzona ’21 (right) had a wonderful time at the Pennsylvania Watershed Specialist conference discussing monitoring study design, volunteer engagement, and Stream Team.