Overview | Methods & Process | Who We Are | Collaborators
Vuyokazi Duna
Vuyokazi Duna lives in Ginsberg Township, King William’s Town, South Africa, and graduated from Love Dale College FET in 2003. Duna is the chairperson of the Ginsberg Youth Council, and believes that respect for elders of the community is very important. She is a second cousin to Steven Bantu Biko and has similar leadership qualities and charisma. Duna plans eventually to go to school in the United States. Education is very important to her.
Nhlanhla Mosele
Nhlanhla Mosele was born and raised in Ginsberg Township, South Africa. He is a youth activist and believes, “today in South African society, a new scapegoat is being fabricated…: that scapegoat is its young people.” Mosele aspires to give young people across South Africa the resources to empower themselves and become leaders to develop the community and make South Africa a better place.
Gqabi Njokeni
Gqabi Njokweni is from the Eastern Cape, South Africa. He is currently studying Human Resource Management and was interested in the Mosaic by the opportunity for interaction with American students. His future goals include building a company and uplifting the youth. Njokeni believes that the youth do not relate to the older citizens of the community, which causes a communication breakdown, but nonetheless, the voice of the youth still must be heard.
Melikhaya Potwana
Melikhaya Potwana was born and raised in Ginsberg Township, King William’s Town, South Africa. Currently, he is the chief organizer of the Ginsberg Youth Council. Potwana was attracted to the Mosaic program by the willingness of the American students to learn about cultures. He was also impressed and pleasantly surprised by the positive culture of the Mosaic research team, which dispelled negative American stereotypes. Potwana plans to teach the younger generations what he has learned while collaborating with the research team, and also hopes to become a Dickinson student in the near future.
Phumza Williams
Pumza Williams was a poet from Dimbaza, South Africa. As a community developer, she taught dance and poetry to youth. She also employed her poetry as a form of activism, expressing the voices of women and South Africans in general. She was initially apprehensive about working with the Mosiac research team because of the language barrier, but came to realize that the two cultures are not so different. Williams was drawn to the program by the opportunity to work with American students, and in doing so, to improve her language skills and develop a different perspective on life in a global context. She died in April, 2009. This website is dedicated to her memory and vision.