Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Consequences of the 2003 United States Invasion of Iraq

    The 2003 United States invasion of Iraq had many significant political effects on the middle eastern region. Although this invasion was justified by the United States when it occurred, there have been many questions since as to how beneficial it truly was. The war has cost countless lives of American troops and Iraqi citizens, and…

  • Water Consumption in the Arabian Peninsula

    I was able to discover my daily water usage using the Water Footprint Calculator and Water Footprint Network. The first source calculated that I use 1,652 gallons of water per day and the second source I used calculated that I use 1839.5 gallons of water per day. Coming to an average of 1744.3 gallons of…

  • Othering in Communities

      What makes up a community is an interesting dynamic. In the Carlisle community I feel like I am not an outsider, but many Carlisle natives may disagree. In many ways students of Dickinson college can be seen as outsiders and this is because students typically live in the area temporarily for four years, and…

  • The Comparisons of life in Eastern Maryland and the Arabian Peninsula

    By Noah Boyd   Rising Sun, Maryland                          Source: Maryland State Archives   The town of Rising Sun, Maryland is a small area located in the north east corner of Maryland. The population is just north of 2,500 citizens. Given the small size, the…

  • Hello world!

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