I found Dr. Nelly Lahouds talk to be very interesting. It was particularly interesting to hear about the living conditions that Bin Laden had within the compound he was staying Pakistan. The fact that his associates would only leave for select food and once annually for medical treatment provided a lot of insight into his lifestyle but even more so the role America played in taking up headspace. I was unaware prior to the talk that Bin Laden hoped that the 9/11 attacks would spark a greater movement towards an anti-American shift. He gravely miscalculated and greater US involvement in the MENA region occurred which is the opposite of what he wanted. This was particularly interesting because of how this came in the direct aftermath of the Gulf war. I would have liked to have heard more about his person musings and what the actual raid was like, as well as the lead up to how he actually got to Pakistan. This information could be very valuable for future operations in terms of preventing the sort of manhunt that persisted for over a decade following 9/11. Overall, the talk was very interesting and I feel like a learned a lot from her research.