The Delta Nu Alumnae Advisory Board (“DNAAB”) was established in 2015 as a permanent Alumnae Advisory Board to help support the student leadership of Delta Nu in various aspects of the organization’s management. Delta Nu is a local sorority and not affiliated with a national organization, thus DNAAB is providing the guidance, direction and oversight necessary for Delta Nu to continue to grow and contribute as a valuable member of the Dickinson community.
Board members consist of a team of Delta Nu alumnae who train and advise on recruitment, new member education, officer transition and leadership and risk management among other roles and responsibilities. The current board and committee chairs are comprised of several founding members, former presidents and other former executive officers as well as alumnae representing each decade since its birth in 1971. DNAAB has regular and frequent participation and interaction with the chapter and also with the Delta Nu on-campus advisor, and meets with College administration at least twice each academic year. Current DNAAB chair is Barb Pim Bailey, ’73, Delta Nu’s first elected president.
Board Chair – Barb Pim Bailey ’73
Asst Board Chair – Sarah Glenn, ’11
New Member Education Advisor – Lindsey Goodman Iacovino, ’75
Recruitment Advisor – Rachel Pickering, ’00
Officer Operations Advisor – Carol Graebner, ’75
Secretary – Trish Godfrey Swigart, ’75
Academic Advisor – Sandy Smith McGrew, ’73
Finance Advisor – Chris Gehrett Falvello, ’73
Asst Finance Advisor – Marisa Button, ’04
Social and Risk Management Advisor – open
Alumnae Advisory Board Committee Chairs
Historian – Cheryl Good Smith ‘73
Philanthropy advisor – Sarah Allen Tambussi ‘87
Communications/Alumnae Liaison – Francesca Dea ‘93
Class leads by decade
1973 – 1979: Patrice Boyce ‘78
1980 – 1989: open
1990 – 1999: Francesca Dea ‘93
2000 – 2009: Traci Rosen Blank ‘08
2010 – 2014: open
If you are a Delta Nu alumnae and would like to learn more about DNAAB, join their email list, or become involved with the board, please email Barb at