Social Chic is a sartorial atelier created by the nonprofit organization MondoDonna Onlus, which supports women, mothers, and migrants. The atelier is located in the Case Zanardi, Bologna, and hosts Made in Italy professionals, tailors, and artisans from a variety of countries. Social Chic creates its original sartorial collection, designs and produces clothes upon request, and organizes fashion shows and events. With its activities, Social Chic promotes inclusion, fights poverty, and advances an ethical business model. In their interview article “Interview with Social Chic: An Italian Slow Fashion Organization,” Julia Cappucci and Mariel Baquedano, students of Dickinson Wears Prada, describe the organization, goals, and practices of Social Chic as an example of “slow fashion.” Their article is based on the interview of Social Chic designer Michael Tondini, translated into English by Elena Giulia.
Many thanks to Michael Tondini, all the Social Chic employees, and Elena Giulia for their generous collaboration.