The Last Supper

The Last Supper by Anna Ryan Radigan On the third day of our Fashion Mosaic research trip to Italy, on March 6, 2024, we visited Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper in Milan. None of us had actually seen it before, though most of us were familiar with it, as I was since I’m an…

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The Fusion of Art and Fashion in the Pitti Palace

The Fusion of Art and Fashion in the Pitti Palace by Keon Eady Today on March 13th, we visited the Pitti Palace located in the heart of Florence. Originally built in the 15th century as a lavish Renaissance residence for the powerful Medici family, the palace has since evolved into a renowned cultural institution and…

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People-Watching: A Tool of Discovery

People-Watching: A Tool of Discovery by Gillie Schmidt-Quee Florence was the first fashion capital of the world, and we began our stay with a trip to Palazzo Pitti, home to many royal families, namely, the Medici’s. Before the palace became the art museum it is today, it was the stage for the burgeoning “Made in…

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