Month: January 2020 (Page 3 of 4)

Henry Cohen

Well, pleasure to meet you… suppose I will try to describe myself and the essence of what goes into my writing. My name is Henry Cohen. I am a 21 year old from Washington, D.C. What  fascinates me the most in life is the crossroad between inner and outer human experience. Food has always been a core tenet of my existence, and has certainly marked the development of my consciousness. Starting alongside my father at age three, I would watch, memorize, and then mimic his actions in the kitchen. Scrambled eggs is where it all began for me. I would seek to perfect the dish, experimenting with different additives, like milk, cream, and air, but finally concluded that the only thing scrambled eggs needs is butter, eggs, salt, and pepper. For me, cooking can become what we might call a sort of “spiritual experience,” in the sense that my consciousness is altered, noticeably heightened, when I cook. I am taken out of my normal self-aware perception and move towards the realm of direct perception of the food and the cooking process itself. And cooking is only the first part of the story- eating is a whole other sensorial beast. Talking and writing about these experiences is incredibly cathartic for me. Aside from cooking, and eating, which I spend a fair amount of my time doing, I practice mental and physical practices from different meditative and healing traditions around the world. Practice schools that interest me the most, whose practices help me in my own life, are the meditation practices rooted in Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, energy practices like Qi Gong and Yoga, and the healing modality of Reiki. These two practices, of cooking and delving into consciousness, sometimes feel the same. When my conscious experience is in certain ecstatic states, recipes flood my imagination, I associate different flavors together, adapting them through different culinary techniques to create a dish.

Aside from that stuff, which I guess I would consider my personal life, I sing, play the guitar, piano, and harmonica, and hold down the bass section in my a capella group. Some of my favorite musical groups are  Bon Iver, Jon Bellion, The Eels, and Victor Jara.  I study comparative political theory, focusing on the moral psychological implications of the view of self within social contract theory. My other academic interests include Phenomenology, Buddhism, Depth Psychology, and my absolute favorite intellectual and personal trip: Lucid Dreaming.  I guide a meditation group on campus, work at CSSJ, and the College Farm. Just happy to be here now.

Elizabeth Gallo

My name is Elizabeth Gallo and I am a Studio Art and French and Francophone Studies double major with a Food Studies Certificate. I am from Baltimore, Maryland where I first discovered my love for farming when I had the chance to work on an urban farm near my house. After graduation I plan on beginning an apprenticeship at an organic farm with a focus on regenerative agriculture and humanely raised meat. My career goal is to be able to run my own organic meat and vegetable farm and help people connect with the food they eat and the land that provides it. I chose to get a Food Studies Certificate because I am interested in issues surrounding access to high quality food, particularly in urban areas, and the disconnect our society often faces between what we eat and where it comes from.

Muhajir’s Bio

Hello class!

My name is Muhajir Lesure, I am a senior at Dickinson College studying Environmentalism and Food Studies. I am super excited for this course and to finish off my time here at Dickinson. After Dickinson, I intend to get a master’s degree. My research at Dickinson has dealt with problems surrounding Food Justice, Environmental Racism, and international research in China, India and the Canadian Arctic. I hope to expand on my understanding of food in contextualized and focused topics in this capstone course.

So excited to be in this interdisciplinary Food Studies course 🙂


Meddy Smith

My name is Meddy and I am a senior Psychology major from Maine. I studied abroad last year in Spain and Denmark and I am interested in sustainable food systems and food insecurity. After graduation I hope to be involved in some capacity in building sustainable and resilient communities, using my psychology degree to understand sociocultural motivations for behaviors and my food studies certificate as a background for improving food security and strengthening local food systems. I love going to the Farm’s Gather dinners and getting the CSA from the college farm!

Kate Shepherd

I am an American Studies major and I am also completing the Food Studies Certificate . I am interested in how food contributes to sustainability efforts specifically through diet and agricultural practices. Most recently I studied sustainable food practices in Copenhagen, Denmark as well as the cultural influences of food in Toulouse, France. I am really looking forward to the capstone as a way to connect my interests and previous courses! 

Olivia Kubaska

Hello! My name is Olivia Kubaska and I am from Ipswich, MA. In addition to the Food Studies Certificate, I will be graduating in May with a degree in Environmental Studies. Currently, I am interested in finding innovative ways to connect people with food, both geographically and emotionally. I am very excited about urban agriculture as a way of pushing the boundaries of how we view agriculture. I have also experienced first hand the power of local agricultural projects to connect and enforce communities and would like to find ways for that benefit to reach wider, more diverse groups of people.

Hannah Findling

Hi there! My name is Hannah and I am a senior biology major at Dickinson College.  This blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts and assignments during my Food Studies Certificate capstone.  I grew up in Ithaca, NY, and enjoy riding horses, spending time with my girlfriend, Kathleen, and my cat, Dana Scully, and hiking during my free time.  My interests in food studies center around sustainability, food justice, accessibility, and my personal experience as an individual living with Celiac Disease.

My Celiac diagnosis came as a major surprise and created a drastic shift in my life and the life of my partner, who works as a pastry chef.  Since going gluten-free, we have restructured and rebuilt her small business to cater to the allergen-friendly market.  My background in biology and the liberal arts pairs well with her pastry and business education to position us strongly as we move forwards as entrepreneurs.

Kath and I have also been part of the team at The Sunrise Cafe, a new restaurant as of October 2019 in Carlisle.  Kath is the kitchen manager and cook, and I work on the line as well as on the social media presence of the business.  I am using the cafe as my experiential component for the certificate, and am excited to deepen my understanding of what it takes to get a brick-and-mortar business up and off the ground in a community similar to this one

Julia Snyder

Hello! My name is Julia Snyder and I call Lancaster, PA my home. This May I will graduate with a Bachelors in Psychology and a Certificate in Food Studies. Ideally, I would like to be a Women’s and Babies Hospital Chaplain a few years after Dickinson. I have enjoyed connecting topics of Food to my interest in Psychology during my four years in college. Specifically, I am passionate about topics such as mindful eating, food access, and maternal-fetal nutrition.

Matt Zaremba

Hello! My name is Matt Zaremba and I am from Cleveland, Ohio. I am a Biology major pursuing the Food Studies Certificate. I find sustainable agriculture, our relationships to food, and food choice very interesting. I interned at a regenerative farm in the Shenandoah Valley last summer, learning production aspects of agriculture such as organic vegetable production and animal husbandry, and I look forward to learning more about the integration of different kids of food production with market demand and how behavior change can play a significant role in solving issues related to the food industry.

Giuseppe Collia

Hi y’all,

My name is Giuseppe Collia.  I am a senior Environmental Studies and Spanish double major.  I have focused my time at Dickinson on language and cultural studies and their intersections with sustainability.  My interest within Food Studies lies in climate action, using a systems thinking approach to combating climate change through both institutional and collective action.  As a final project, I would like to use methods of behavior science to evoke a call to action among viewers.

Giuseppe Collia

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