Experience Hillel

Hillel offers a variety of programming to make everyone feels included and welcome:

Hillel hosts Shabbat services and a free Shabbat dinner every Friday night at the Asbell Center. Each week, different students have the opportunity to lead services and give a D’var Torah. Dinner is either vegetarian takeout or a Kosher meal cooked in the Asbell kitchens. All students are welcome to come to either or both Shabbat services and dinner!

Bagel Brunches
Happening about once a month on Sundays during the academic year, Bagel Brunches are Hillel’s main social event. Along with bagels and cream cheese, we serve milk, orange juice, and coffee. Bagel Brunches are a great way to meet new people and be a part of the community!

Other Events
Throughout the year, Hillel hosts smoothie nights, Homework & CHillel, discussions, Hanukkah & Purim celebrations, movie screenings, and other events.

Hillel partners with the Asbell Center to offer High Holiday services at Dickinson. The Asbell Center also hosts Passover seders and builds a sukkah, among other things. Learn more