First Annual Uncle Moyshe’s Deli Night: The Revival of a Dickinson Hillel Tradition, April 30, 2001
Tree Planting, April 28, 2001
3rd Annual Feminist Seder, April 3, 2001
What’s a SEDER? The seder is one of the most popular Jewish traditions, in which family and friends gather together for a festive meal celebrating the Exodus from Egypt. Symbolic foods are eaten as the biblical story of the Jews’ liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt is narrated, remembered and discussed.
What’s a FEMINIST SEDER? At a feminist seder, we use the model of the traditional seder to explore the role of women in Judaism and Jewish history. Where are the women in the traditional Exodus story? How does the language of liberation from the traditional narrative apply to the experiences of contemporary women from a variety of traditions?
All are welcome to participate in this unique event. You don’t have to be Jewish! You don’t have to be a woman!
New York Trip, March 9-11, 2001
Purim Party, March 8th, 2001
Hillel Forum, February 25-27, 2001
Rabbi Hava Pell Bagel Brunch, February 24, 2001
Rabbi Shefa Gold Lecture, February 16, 2001
Who is Shefa Gold? Rabbi Shefa Gold is a leader in Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. She received her ordination both from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Shefa is a composer and performer of spiritually oriented music and has produced eight albums. Her liturgy has been published in several new prayerbooks. In addition to her musical contributution, Shefa has been developing the theory and art of Chanting and the practice of silence in the context of Jewish tradition. Having had a background and training in a number of spiritual traditions (Buddhist, Christian, Islamic and Native American), she is uniquely qualified as a spiritual bridge, appreciating diversity, celebrating the shared path of devotion. She has been serving as a consultant to congregations across the country, teaching leadership and community-building skills, spiritual practice, and an experiential and personal approach to Torah and liturgy.
What will she be talking about? Ecstatic Chant. The Practice of Chanting is a vehicle for prayer, healing, self-expression, visioning, inner-journeying and connection- to oneself, each other, the community, the world, and to God. Chanting is a form of active meditation. Sacred phrases are repeated for extended periods of time, allowing one to experience ecstatic states, and surrender to the light that is hidden within the words.
Ecstacy requires mind-states that let us dissolve or shatter the fixed boundaries of self. In this workshop, we will glimpse those altered states through sound and silence, movement and stillness. We will develop our ability to listen, both inwardly and outwardly. We will expand inner space, purify our intention, strengthen our commitment, and connect to our lineage. Ecstacy requires both wild abandon and sober attention. Come learn and celebrate with us as we use the energy of the group to fuel our healing, inspiration, and transformation.