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This website was produced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License . All original text and images may be used in accordance with the License. For more see “How to cite these pages.” Images used on this website from public domain sources including the House Divided Project of Dickinson College, Kansas Memory Project, Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Library of Congress,, and any other public domain sources not mentioned herein may be used with credit given to the original source. Images from the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum and Kansas State Historical Society which are not in the Public Domain are used in this work under the fair use principle and are not the property of the Author. They remain property of their respective owners and may not be copied or borrowed from this website. All non-original text cited in this work from published print sources is the property of its original author and must be cited as such according to accepted standards. When in doubt, cite it anyway or look it up!

Creative Commons License

Taylor Bye, 2012

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