
Hello! I would like to share with visitors to this site a little bit about me, and a little bit about this project.

My name is Julz Espensen, and I am a senior at Dickinson College. I am getting my bachelors degree in History, with a concentration in war and diplomacy. I am a native of Lancaster, PA and have always had a strong interest in history. After graduation, I hope to go into museum education or other related fields.

As part of my final semester, I wanted to create a public history resource to broaden my portfolio and gain more experience in creating educational resources. I was curious to look into music and it’s connection to spreading political messages and creating a united movement and I thought that Irish rebel music was an excellent example of that- even though it is a very complicated example, as I am sure you will gather from this site.

Reflecting on my research this past semester and building this site, if I were to continue to research I would definitely look into more primary sources such as newspapers, song books, and others to chart if and what songs were used for events. With this additional tracking, I would further color code the timeline to have song(s) and their related event(s) in the same color.