Paradigm Lost: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality
A couple of weeks ago I attended Professor Lustick’s Clarke Forum discussion Paradigm Lost: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality. The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complicated topic. I learned a lot from the two hour long discussion but for the purpose of this blog post I am going to talk in depth…
How do national and international factors interact in empowering some states of the Global South to make more progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals than other states?
Over the past few weeks my International Relations class partnered with students in a Comparative Politics at American University of Sharjah in the UAE to write podcast episodes about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We found in each country that we studied that there are specific national and international factors that empower some states of…
How Would Things be Different if Ukraine Didn’t Give Up Their Nuclear Weapons?
This week I attended the panel discussion hosted by the Dickinson College Clarke Forum “Ukraine-Russia War: Reflections After One Year.” Professor Bova, a panelist on this discussion and my professor for the “Ukraine War” course, has prompted my class to think about how things would be different had Ukraine not given up their nuclear weapons…
Concepts of Self and Other in my Community
My high school in Silver, Spring MD, right outside of Washington, D.C., had roughly the same amount of students as Dickinson College. When a school has over 2,000 students it is a guarantee you will not know or even meet everyone. It’s virtually impossible. Instead, students primarily form bonds with students in their grade, in…
Comparing Dickinson College & American University of Sharjah’s Students’ Hometowns
My parents always say that their college experience was very different than mine. When they were in college they used typewriters, they did not have Google or Zoom, and they would have to pay an absurd fee to talk on the phone with someone international. I can only imagine how they would react if I…
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