How do national and international factors interact in empowering some states of the Global South to make more progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals than other states?

How do national and international factors interact in empowering some states of the Global South to make more progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals than other states?

According to me both of them are important factors they will simply have a different fonction.

Indeed, national factors will include political stability, social policies, governance structure, national economic development as well as the capacity to run those policies etc…. While international factors influence global economic trends, international trade, foreign aid (economic as well) and international organizations.

The countries from the global south that already acheive to have what was cited as national factors are more likely to succeed acheiving SDG but international help is still needed.

Foreign aid as we research for the SDG’s in Indonesia for example really help to build new infrastructure and accelerate the change. It allows those countries to create jobs and social services. It mostly also value the export and import with new markets etc… My group noticed that it was a clear help for SDG 13 because it allows Indonesia to make progress in research and infrastructures to switch to a more green energy for example.

In the case of Indonesia it was not always a sign of empowerment because of the weak institutions and corruption to cite only those issues.

Therefore, I believe that there is the need to find a balance and acheive first a good national stability so that international factors can be really valuable for those states.

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