Monthly Archives: September 2017

How Nepal’s Earthquake Could Be a Climate Change Game Changer

On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Gorkha district of Nepal. During the months afterward, the country experienced hundreds of aftershocks, many with a magnitude greater than or equal to 4.0 and some greater than 6.0 (Shrestha … Continue reading

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Timeline and the Gorkha Earthquake

40-50 Million Years Ago: Collision between Indian and Eurasian Plate 1255: First recorded earthquake in Nepalese history August 15th, 1950: Assam- Tibet Earthquake January 15th, 1934: Nepal- Bihar Earthquake September 18th, 2011: Sikkim Earthquake August 21st, 1988: Nepal- India Earthquake … Continue reading

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Reversing US Leadership in Climate Talks: Donald Trump and the Paris Agreement

“America has led the world in carbon dioxide reductions even as we have continued to expand our energy production.” Truth-O-Meter: Half True (partially accurate but leaves out important details or takes things out of context) On June 1st, 2017, United … Continue reading

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Timeline and Nepalese Civil War

Timeline 1768: Prithvi Narayan Shah, a leader of a small hill state called Gorkha or Gurkha, united the small kingdoms of Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur in the Katmandu Valley creating the sovereign state of Nepal. 2001: The population of Nepal … Continue reading

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Important Events in the History of Nepal

  1814-1816: This was the period of the Anglo-Nepalese war, which left Nepal with the small amount of land it has today. This war proved the strength of the Nepalese army, and gave them their independence. (1) 1950: This was … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Statements: True or False?

Although the evidence provided by scientists proves that global warming is real, president Donald Trump believes that it is not. At every stage of his campaign he openly and shamelessly declared that he did not believe in climate change. During … Continue reading

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Trump Navigates around the Truth on Paris Agreement Costs

President Donald Trump justified his rejection of the Paris Agreement with a hot button political issue – jobs. The popular saying goes that the people vote with their wallets. So President Trump also framed his decision around prices. He claimed … Continue reading

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Fact Checking Trump

What line am I checking: while little would change for our climate under the Paris  Agreement, our electricity prices would significantly increase Before fact checking the entire statement I decided to break it into pieces, first looking at “While little would … Continue reading

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Donald Trump and the Cost of Renewable Energy

While President Trump’s letter is riddled with incorrect or misleading statements, I chose to check out a statement based on something I don’t know too much about. Trump writes, “While little would change for our climate under the Paris Agreement, … Continue reading

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Trump’s Statement on Paris Agreement is “Mostly False”

President Donald Trump stated, in a letter received by Professor Neil Leary, that “little would change for our climate under the Paris Agreement”.  Under the rankings used to gauge the accuracy of statements by Politifact this on can be considered … Continue reading

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