Fine Brown Frames, Diet, Exercise and “Ideal” Black Female Bodies in Postwar America

Fine Brown Frames, Diet, Exercise and “Ideal” Black Female Bodies in Postwar America

The Africana Studies department hosted an event titled Fine Brown Frames, Diet, Exercise and “Ideal” Black Female Bodies in Postwar America given by Dr. Ava Purkiss. Her talk revolved around the beauty ideals that were projected onto black female bodies at this time which included physical beauty, exercise, and dietary standards that promoted diet culture…

Gender Week Event: The Man Card

Gender Week Event: The Man Card

Women and people of color are often accused of “playing the race card” and pandering to certain audiences. But what does it look like when straight, cisgender, white men play “the man card”? What are the implications of playing into traditional ideas about masculinity? I recently participated in the facilitated discussion on The Man Card…

Why do we need more women in politics? A synopsis of the Clarke Forum and Gender Week keynote presentation by Dr. Kira Sanbonmatsu

Why do we need more women in politics? A synopsis of the Clarke Forum and Gender Week keynote presentation by Dr. Kira Sanbonmatsu

The theme of this year’s Gender Week was Gender and Politics. This is a topic that I am really interested in, and I am even doing my senior thesis about it. So, when it was announced that the keynote speaker for the week would be Dr. Kira Sanbonmatsu from the Center for American Women and…