Mary Barbercheck, PhD, Professor, Department of Entomology, Penn State University
Practical Approaches to Ecological Insect Management
Organic farming systems rely on ecologically-based practices such as cultural and biological pest management, and exclude the use of synthetic chemicals in crop production. The fundamental components and natural processes of ecosystems are used directly and indirectly as farm management tools and to prevent pest populations from reaching economically-damaging levels. The goal is to design the production system so that pests do not find plants, are controlled by natural enemies (biological control), or their damage is kept to a minimum. Vigorous, healthy plants are more able to withstand damage caused by arthropods and disease. Therefore, a “plant positive” (as opposed to “pest negative”) approach of managing the system for beneficial processes and cycles and creating healthy soil and plants, is at the foundation of integrated pest management in organic systems. In this session we will discuss some practical approaches to integrated pest management in organic farming systems.