
Festa junina!

The Portuguese Club organized an event on Friday, November 15, 2013 called, “Festa junina”, which literally means June Celebration.  It is based on a Brazilian celebration that takes place in June for St John’s day or European Midsummer.  It is festivity that takes place all over Brazil, but it is mainly associated to the Northeast region.

The Portuguese Club, with the invaluable help of Daniele Mizuta ( Fulbright TA from Brazil) and Nidia Werner (Circulation/Reserve Specialist also from Brazil), created a successful event, and perhaps the first of many more to come! Dani and Nidia prepared hot dogs (yes, with molho de tomate and batata palha!), bolo de fubá, brigadeiro, beijinho, quentão, and of course, pão de queijo. The Club also bought popcorn and guaraná! It was a great festa junina in Carlisle.

Portuguese Club celebrates Festa junina.
Portuguese Club celebrates Festa junina.
Brazilian-style menu is ready for festa-goers
Brazilian-style menu is ready for festa-goers

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