On Thursday, March 7th, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies hosted its spring meet and greet on the Bosler Porch. The purpose of the meet and greet is for students to interact with department faculty and staff prior to requesting courses. This event is especially helpful to students interested in declaring majors or minors, meeting professors, and hearing about courses that will be offered. The course request period for Fall 2024 will open on Monday, March 25th at 9:00am and closes Wednesday, March 27th at 4:00pm. In addition to elementary and intermediate-level language offerings, a number of unique upper-level courses will be offered including “Hispanic Cultures Through Women’s Voices” (SPAN 231), “Argentine Adventures Through Contemporary Literature” (SPAN 231), “Analyzing Contemporary Migration to Spain Through Literature and Film” (SPAN 299), “Topics in the Middle Ages” (SPAN 380), and “The Profitability of 19th Century Slave Trade in the Americas through Literary and Cinematic Sources” (SPAN 380).