International Politics of MENA Blog

Blogpost 2: Feb 19

“Others” in my Highschool

I attended a small Catholic high school in New Hampshire that fostered a tight-knit community, all from similar backgrounds. This resulted in very little diversity. Most students were white, upper-middle class, and had attended private schools their whole lives. Additionally, most of my peers were sheltered in all aspects of their lives, from the conditions of many public schools to their exposure to people from different groups. This fostered a community pretty unaccepting to outsiders. 

At my highschool, there was a strong culture of athletics, with almost every student, myself included, participating in a sport a season (3-sport varsity athlete). Athletics dominated the culture at the school, despite being small. Due to the sheer amount of participants in athletics, activities and most conversations centered around sports, the school put an emphasis on athletic involvement early on. Those who didn’t partake in sports often felt like outsiders, as friend groups were heavily influenced by the sports individuals played and whether they were in season.

This environment was beneficial for athletes, as it fostered strong bonds with teammates and other athletes in the same sport. However, it marginalized those who didn’t participate, relegating them to a small group on the outskirts of the social scene, labeled as the “others.” They were largely ignored, not out of malice but, due to a lack of perceived common ground. They main interest of most highschoolers, sports, was not shared. Non-athletic individuals were sometimes viewed as less valuable, despite dedicating similar time to extracurricular activities outside of athletics. Peers made assumptions about them, assuming they did nothing else outside of school and mocking them for prioritizing academics or other pursuits.

This dynamic of “self” and “other” within communities can be seen in broader contexts, affecting perceptions in international and domestic politics. This sense of “self” and “other” can be extended to international politics where certain nations or groups can be marginalized or perceived as “others.” This perception can stem from many sources, often, cultural differences, economic disparities, or historical conflicts. Just as non-athletic individuals were marginalized in my high school, certain countries may be marginalized on the global stage, leading to unfair treatment in relations. An example of this could be the Tigris-Euphrates water conflict where Turkey, with its ability to control the water flow can be seen as the “self” prioritizing its interest. Syria and Iraq, downstream countries who are dependent on the water flow, were marginalized as the “others,” facing water scarcity and environmental challenges due to Turkey’s actions. This unequal power dynamic mirrors the marginalization of non-athletic students in my high school, highlighting how perceptions of “self” and “other” can manifest.


  1. Grace Bennett

    Thanks for such a thoughtful response to the prompt! I really found it fascinating to hear about the small Catholic high school that you went to as it is different from my own public high school. Do you find the same issues/concerns of views of Others here at Dickinson? I never thought of countries like Syria and Iraq as others due to the dependency of water from the Tigris-Euphrates River.

    • wheelemo

      Thank you! I think, while on a much smaller scale, sports culture is very strong at Dickinson. It is difficult to miss that whole sports teams eat dinner with each other every day and go to similar events. It is understandable why athletes at Dickinson act in this cliquey nature, however, it is unfortunate because they are missing the opportunity to be exposed to so many more people. That being said, the culture of sports is less strong at Dickinson than at my high school because there are so many more people. Groups are still formed here, based on interests, without sports always being the center.

  2. contrucj

    Hi Morgan,

    Really good post I liked how you talked about the separation between athletes and non athletes in your high school. I myself have noticed the same thing here at Dickinson. I was wondering what do you think is the best way to bridge the gap between athletes and non athletes here at Dickinson? I look forward to reading more of you’re posts!

    • wheelemo

      Thank you! I think the best way to bridge the gap is for athletes to get involved in campus activities outside of their sports. For example, many women athletes join sororities, but they tend to join ones that their teammates are already in so, they aren’t meeting new people. I understand with practice schedules and games it is hard to get involved elsewhere, but even one club, separate from teammates, could make a huge difference.

  3. Piotr Omelańczuk

    Your experience at your high school provides a compelling illustration of how dynamics of “self” and “other” can shape communities and interpersonal relationships, with broader implications for understanding international and domestic politics.

    The emphasis on athletics and the formation of social hierarchies based on participation in sports create a sense of belonging for some students while marginalizing others. This division into “self” and “other” leads to exclusion and unequal treatment, where those who do not fit the dominant mold may feel isolated and undervalued. This phenomenon reflects broader societal dynamics where certain groups are privileged while others are marginalized based on perceived differences.

    Moreover, you aptly draw parallels between these dynamics and broader geopolitical issues, such as the Tigris-Euphrates water conflict. Just as non-athletic students are marginalized within your school’s social structure, downstream countries like Syria and Iraq are marginalized in the context of water management by upstream countries like Turkey. This imbalance of power and resources highlights how perceptions of “self” and “other” can perpetuate inequalities and injustice on both local and global scales.

    Overall, your reflection underscores the importance of recognizing and challenging these dynamics of exclusion and marginalization, both within communities and in broader societal contexts, to foster greater equity and understanding.

    • wheelemo

      Thank you for your kind response!

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