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Invasive Insect Could Mean Disaster for Garden State’s Agricultural Sector

Jordan Haber 4/8/20 The Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula), an Invasive insect native to Southeast Asia that sucks the sap out of plants, was discovered in the farm belt…

Genetic Data From 800,000 Year Old Tooth Changes Our Understanding of Human Evolution

We know that humans and chimpanzees separated from each other evolutionarily about 7-9 million years ago. A lot of time has gone by between now and then and…

Bat Epidemic Could Pose Major Threat to Farmers

What’s the Buzz? Jordan Haber 31 March 2020 A colony of bats can dine on over a million-pest species in a single night and contribute billions of dollars’…

The First Gene Editing Tool that can be used on Viruses

The CRISPR gene editing tool has revolutionized not only the study of genetics and genomics, but the wider field of microbiology as well. Groundbreaking work is continually being…

Sticky Traps may be Best Line of Defense in Fight to Save ‘Redwoods of the East’

By Jordan Haber What’s the Buzz? 20 March 2020 Since the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid or HWA (Adelges tsugae) first arrived from Japan in the 1950s the invasive insect…

Archie the Giant Squid’s Genome Has Finally Been Revealed

The giant squid (Architeuthis dux, affectionately known as Archie) is an animal so mysterious and mighty that it has inspired the tale of the mythical kraken that has…

The New Genetic Explanation for Canine Color Concentration

The earliest record of color variation in dogs is from 10,000 year old archeological evidence. Now, finally, the intensity of this variation has been explained genetically due to…