Tag: agriculture

Are your houseplants feeling stressed? MIT engineers peak into the nerve-wracking lives of plants.

Some of us have been blessed with a green thumb while others have difficulty with their plants lasting the week.  To be fair to so-called “black-thumbed” readers, it’s…

How We Farm Matters

It may seem obvious that agriculture can have a big impact on the landscape and the composition of animal communities that live there, but it turns out that…

If We Want More Grapes, We Need Less ozone

Driving from Los Angeles to California’s central valley is rarely as picturesque as it should be. There is a point where the highway emerges from the Tejon Pass…

Power of the Peel: Biochar from Banana Peels

Banana peels – we peel them, we occasionally slip on them, and I’m sure most of us end up throwing them away (unless you compost, in which case…

Don’t Let Your Fields Be Naked

Winter is often a desolate time for farm fields. Often times they lay bare, the crops harvested and sold, the weather too cold to plant again. But researchers…

Over 200 Scientific Studies Have Been Synthesized – Watch Out Climate Change, We’re Coming for You

Floods in the Midwest. Droughts on the West coast. The climate crisis has become impossible to deny as the havoc it causes becomes impossible to ignore. Very few…

Poop is King: The Benefits of Adding Manure to Planting Patterns in China

Scientists in China have published research revealing the benefits of integrating animal manure into ridge and furrow planting systems. This research took place at the Dingxi Experimental Station…