Video Game Version of *The Moonstone*

I mentioned this in class, but wanted to post the link and a description.  There’s a set of games called Victorian Mysteries that includes The Moonstone. 

I forgot that you play the “role of Detective Cuff” and wade through suspects.

The game is pricey for the computer download– $9.99– but is only a couple of dollars for iPad and iPhone.  Sadly, no Android version as of now, but I am happy to let people play with it before class Friday.

In the meantime, you can watch the video here:


Welcome to The Nineteenth-Century NovelSpring 2017

Please fill out the following information on your index cards:

  1. Name
  2. Preferred personal pronouns (she/her; he/him; they/theirs; or other)
  3. Hometown
  4. Class year
  5. Email and phone #
  6. One interesting fact to help me get to know you
  7. On the BACK side and to share with the class—What do you already know about the 19th century?  In other words, what is one thing you know to be from the 19th century, or illustrative of the 19th century? (This might be literary, but also a fact about history, fashion, culture, geography, recent TV adaptions, & etc.)