Call for Willoughby 2024 Participants

Apply to participate in Willoughby 2024! 

The Willoughby Institute is going back to its roots and focusing on the digital humanities. We invite any faculty member who would like to learn more about DH or begin working on a proposed project. Previous Willoughby Fellows are encouraged to participate.  

The Institute will be held on campus August 19th – 21st from 9am – 4pm. Interested faculty should complete this form by the end of the spring semester or email James D’Annibale. Faculty participants will be given a stipend of $375 ($125 per day). 

About Digital Humanities 

Digital humanities uses computing tools for teaching and research in the humanities. Since the DH Mellon grant Dickinson College received in 2012, we have taken a broad perspective of DH to include many technologies and disciplines outside the traditional humanities.  Topics for the workshop will vary based on applicants’ expressed interests but may include artificial intelligence for teaching, research, and multimedia creation, digital storytelling, data visualization, text analysis, digital mapping, games, and web publishing. Faculty from any discipline are welcome to apply. 

Example projects from Dickinson by past Willoughby Fellows: 



