Leveraging the Power of Communities and Science

On Thursday, February 15th, ALLARM co-hosted the first Earth Issues Seminar of the semester, with our very own ALLARM director, Jules Vastine, as the event's presenter! Members of the Dickinson College community including students, professors and staff, joined us in Kaufman Hall, while volunteer monitors,…

Holding onto Hope: A Class Visit with ALLARM

It is no secret that the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries suffer from a multitude of environmental challenges: sedimentation, pollution, and invasive species, to name a few.  In 2010, the Bay Goals were established with the purpose of reducing pollution in the Bay. At the…

Getting Ready for Data Upload

On Tuesday November 14th, I had the opportunity to attend my first virtual data upload workshop alongside Isabel Ruff (Volunteer Monitoring Specialist) and Prerana Patil ’24. The goal of the workshop was to guide volunteers through the process of uploading their monthly baseline water quality…

Indigenous Knowledge at the ChesapeakeWatershed Forum

At 6:30 am on Saturday, November 4th, ten student watershed coordinators and two full-time staff piled into a van to head to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Forum in Shepherdstown, WV. The Chesapeake Watershed Forum is an annual watershed-wide event where restoration and protection practitioners gather…

From Database to Data Interpretation – Behind the Scenes

Every month, ALLARM's Stream Team volunteers collect baseline water quality data, and upload data into the Chesapeake Data Explorer where the log of data is kept. These data, while available at all times and a very helpful resource, downloads as a massive excel sheet which…

Out on Britton – National Coming Out Day

This past Wednesday, October 11th 2023, was national Coming Out Day, a celebration to support all those in the LGBTQ+ community who “come out of the closet.” Dickinson has celebrated this holiday for many years with Out on Britton, a gathering of Dickinson’s clubs and…

Stepping into the Shoes of a Volunteer Monitor

On September 29th and October 2nd, ALLARM had the pleasure of visiting Professor Rebecca Connor’s first year seminar, "From Kyoto to Paris to Carlisle: Human Impact on Global and Local Environments." ALLARM was asked to lead the students through an experience that would give a…

Lycoming County Stream Team Meeting!

On Tuesday September 26th, I joined Isabel Ruff (Volunteer Monitoring Specialist) and Amelia Harper ‘25 to assist with the Lycoming Stream Team QC and pick-up meeting. Amelia first gathered equipment that volunteers would need along with extra refill kit materials including nitrate-nitrogen tablets and equipment…

ALLARM Orientation at Stuart Park

On Saturday September 2nd, ALLARMies new and old traveled to Stuart Park on the Yellow Breaches creek for ALLARM orientation. Each year, ALLARM hosts orientation at the start of the academic year in order to give Watershed Coordinators the opportunity to bond as a team,…

Westmoreland Check-in!

On Thursday July 20th, I had the pleasure of joining my fellow ALLARM members, Lindsay VanFossen (Water Quality Technician), Phoebe Galione (Outreach Manager), and Whimsy Mark-Ockerbloom '24 on a three-hour road trip to Westmoreland County for the Stream Team's one-year monitoring check-in. The purpose of…

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