Our First Workshop Experience – Macroinvertebrates!

On Saturday October 22nd, the ALLARM Team traveled up to Luzerne county to meet up with Stream Team volunteers from surrounding counties for the second of this fall’s macroinvertebrate workshops. Having driven up on Friday, ALLARM used the day before the workshop to scout out…

Virtual Training and Refresher with Stream Team

On Thursday, October 27th, ALLARM reunited virtually with Stream Team volunteers for a group training and equipment refresher. We had volunteers join us from York County, Columbia County, Westmoreland County, and Lackawanna County for this 2.5-hour training. The workshop was led by Community Science Specialist…

My First Stream Team Experience: QC and new parameters!

On Wednesday, September 15, I traveled with Stephanie Letourneau (Community Science Specialist) to Scranton, PA (Lackawanna County) to meet with Stream Team volunteers. The goal of the meeting was to collect the volunteers’ QC samples and to teach them about stage and water clarity, two…

Macroinvertebrate Workshop at the Yellow Breeches

After a period of virtual-only macroinvertebrate identification support, ALLARMies and volunteers were finally reunited for the first in-person macroinvertebrate workshop since before the pandemic! On September 10, 2022, Director Julie Vastine, Community Science Specialist Stephanie Letourneau, and Watershed Coordinators – Grace Messimer ‘23, Michelle Cao…

A Day in the Field: Testing a New Protocol at Stuart Park!

On Thursday, June 30th, the entire ALLARM summer team, including full-time staff members Julie Vastine (Director), Stephanie Letourneau (Community Science Specialist), and Phoebe Galione (Outreach Manager), as well as watershed coordinators Grace Messimer (’23), Michelle Hom (’24), Michelle Cao (’25), Charlotte Kratovil-Lavelle (’24), and myself,…

Youth Stream Education Experience

On Tuesday, June 28, ALLARM’s summer watershed coordinators led an educational nature walk for the CONNECT youth summer camp based in Carlisle. This event was led by Charlotte Kratovil-Lavelle (’24), Michelle Cao (’25), Nick Bradbury (’23), Michelle Hom (’24), and myself. The two-hour nature walk…

Sharing ALLARM with EcoLeague

On June 16th, I had the pleasure of presenting with my friend and colleague Michelle Cao ‘25 during the 2022 EcoLeague Retreat held at Dickinson College. Our audience consisted of deans and faculty from the six EcoLeague schools, a consortium of ecologically-focused liberal arts colleges…

Finding the Stories Hidden in Data

On Wednesday, June 8th, Candie Wilderman (Founder and Science Advisor), Stephanie Letourneau (Community Science Specialist), Phoebe Galione (Outreach Manager), and student watershed coordinators Charlotte Kratovil-Lavelle ‘24 and I joined Stream Team volunteers virtually for a follow up to the Data Exploration Workshop held in mid-April.…

Image shows author and volunteers sorting through macroinvertebrates along the banks of a stream.

Back In-Person: Susquehanna County Training!

On Saturday, June 4th, Director Julie Vastine, Community Science Specialist Stephanie Letourneau, and student watershed coordinators Charlotte Kratovil-Lavelle ‘24 and I travelled to Susquehanna County for ALLARM’s first in-person workshop since the start of the pandemic!  We met with Master Watershed Stewards from the upper…

Conquering the Data Universe with R

After their initial trainings, Stream Team volunteers jump into monthly monitoring and over time, gather and upload their collected data to the Chesapeake Data Explorer, the database which holds monitoring data throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. After a minimum of 12 months of monitoring, Stream…

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