Student Employment Appreciation Week

Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) would like to acknowledge and celebrate the work our Watershed Coordinators have done this year to support the organization and our community volunteers for student employment appreciation week. Over the 2019-2020 academic year, our Watershed Coordinators have... co-lead 6…

Data Upload Workshop: Cumberland County Stream Team

February 18, 2020 ALLARM Members: Helen Schlimm '17, Suzanne Hartley, Karan Shakya '20 On February 5, ALLARM invited the Stream Team from Cumberland County for their QC (Quality Control) sample submission and to introduce them on how to submit their results to the Chesapeake Data…

Environmental Ethics: A Reflection

November 2019: Presenting on Environmental Ethics and Chesapeake Bay Forum Mid November was a busy time for ALLARM. Watershed coordinators were preparing for workshops, boxes of supplies were delivered, Water Facts were being designed and hung and analysis was run for numerous water samples. During…

Chesapeake Bay Forum Adventures, 2019

Grace: On November 16, 2019, members of ALLARM traveled to attend the Chesapeake Bay Forum in West Virginia. The Chesapeake Bay Forum is an annually-held event to bring together organizations working to restore the Chesapeake Bay watershed. This year’s theme, “Better Together: Diverse and Innovative…

York County Stream Team Strikes Again!

Event Details: November 12, 2019 in York County   Meredith: For the second year in a row, I had the unique opportunity to train the York County Stream Team on ALLARM’s community-based stream monitoring protocol. The Stream Team program is an initiative that I have…

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Breakfast with ALLARM!

On November 5, 2019, The Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM), had the opportunity to meet and have breakfast with Joel Reynolds and Jacob Scherr from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Both lawyers have worked with various organizations like watershed organizations, Trout Unlimited, and…

crayfish closeup

Collaborative Macroinvertebrate Workshop

ALLARM Members: Helen Schlimm, Hayat Rasul, Abby Kaija, Hiba Aoid, Olivia Spildooren, Matt Zaremba York Stream Team Macroinvertebrate Workshop, October 26, York, PA Matt: On October 26th, ALLARMies headed to York College to host a workshop on macroinvertebrate identification and monitoring. After meeting the York…

Watershed Specialist Conference

Entering the month of October, I presented the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring’s (ALLARM) Study Design Process at the Pennsylvania Watershed Specialist Conference, State College, PA. This was my first time presenting at a conference for ALLARM [with our director] Julie Vastine. One of my…

Letort Walk: A Reflection on Warmer Months

Earlier this semester, 4 watershed coordinators along with our Director, Julie Vastine, led 19 Dickinson students and family members on a tour of the LeTort Spring run to discuss the ecology of the area and ALLARM’s mission. In celebration of homecoming weekend, we welcomed family…

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