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Dickinson to Durban » Summer Reading Responses » Spear of the Nation

Spear of the Nation

The African National Congress (ANC) created Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), also known in English as “Spear of the Nation”, because by 1961, the anti-apartheid movement was not gaining enough support. In order to inspire millions of people to join the political movement to end apartheid in South Africa, drastic action had to be taken. I believe that violence is never acceptable, but at the time in which MK was created, violence was the only option left for the ANC, as they could not oppose apartheid by changing government policy. The ANC had only a choice between the lesser of two evils: 1.) Allowing apartheid (itself violent) to continue or 2.) Ensure the termination of apartheid through the use of “terrorist” actions or guerillia violence by the ANC. The continuation would have no doubt perpetuated continued harm to all of the South African people. Creating MK channeled the anger of the ANC into a “constructive” political tool, allowing them to mobilize enough people to continue garnerning support and activism regarding the anti-apartheid movement, ultimately dismantling the unjust law. When government policy is unethical (i.e. causing violence to its people), it is the responsibility of the nation to do whatever they can to restore justice, even if that means employing more violence.

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