Dickinson to Durban » Climate Change
Should we let KP RIP?
by Dani Thompson There is a reason UNFCCCs conference of parties are referred to as “the negotiations”. “All they do is negotiate. Where is the action?” Questions Rully Prayoga, a 350.org Indonesian Chapter representative who I interviewed this morning. After spending over a week at the UNFCCCs 17th COP, I have to agree with him. If there is one over-arching feeling from NGOs which I can relay to our readers outside of Durban– it is a sense of frustration. This frustration comes from the slow-moving progress of “the negotiations” and an ever-growing realization that agreement to aid the end or slowing of climate change on a global level may not be possible. Perhaps the UNFCCC is simply not the best forum to realize mitigation of green house gases. As the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (The legally binding agreement signed by … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
Week 1: Ups and Downs
Sam Parker ’12 The first week of COP 17 is quickly coming to a close and what a week it has been. We arrived at the conference on day one and it was an overwhelming, impressive mass of people and knowledge and important people. I have been impressed with the South African government though. They have done a good job with being open with the negotiations and the organization of this event is well done. Thumbs up from this guy. I’ve also been really impressed with the youth if you could tell from my last post. They are a group of young people from all over the world, who have moved past differences in culture and beliefs to work together to fight climate change. They get two huge thumbs up. All the while, this conference is shaping up … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
Maggie Rees A quick Zulu lesson… Kunjani? – How are you? Ngiphilile – I am well IMG_0229 Here in Durban, ngiphilile! I am well! But, how are the negotiations? Some say it is too early to tell. After nearly a week of negotiations, things are moving rather slowly for the decision-makers. The opening week in Durban has gone smoothly. There has been good progress with many technical decisions that needed to be made before next week. Although some things are progressing in the negotiations, it has been noted that climate skeptics in the United States have reached a peak. Despite the science showing temperature increases, there has been a recent rise in Americans’ denial that the climate is changing. NOAA indicates that seven of the eight warmest years on record have occurred since 2001. All ten … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
Interviews and Life Learning

Esther Babson After almost a week of being in the same building as negotiations and interviewing delegates I finally attempted to sit in on a planery meeting! Can you believe it? How is it possible that I’ve talked with these incredible delegates and still haven’t even seen a meeting?! Even worse because the meeting was delayed I ended up having to leave before it even started to make it to an interview! Hopefully I’ll eventually find … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
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