Dickinson to Durban » Climate Change
Global Mitigation, Local Adaption

Sam Parker ’12 Another opportunity to talk about local action! I am always a huge proponent of local action over global and bottom-up actions. I maintain my stance that local actions are important and will be the driving force to get major actions taken towards mitigating GHG emissions and combating climate change, thought I realize that local action will only take us so far on this front. For a real difference to be made in mitigating GHG’s global … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
Local Government Takes Action!!

By: Christine Burns ’14 The debate between the role local versus federal governments can and should play in climate change legislation is a factor once again in Debra Roberts’ article, “Thinking Globally, Acting locally-institutionalizing climate change at the local government level in Durban, South Africa.” In this article Roberts discusses the importance of the local municipal government of Durban in initiating climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. Generally speaking, Durban is more focused on local development … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics
Can local action combat a global issue?

By: Anna McGinn ’14 In her article, “Thinking globally, acting locally—institutionalizing climate change at the local government level in Durban, South Africa,” Debra Roberts discusses Durban’s recent initiative to develop as well as address climate change. This reading reminded me of our discussion in Washington DC with Dallas Burtraw from Resources for the Future. Both Roberts and Burtraw emphasize that action at a local level is required to adequately mitigate and adapt to climate change. However, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues
Get Local Governments Involved!
Esther Babson ’13 Throughout history, the key to making an issue a priority of the people and government, is by mainstreaming the issue. This can be incredibly difficult, especially when the issue is considered a “threat” to growth and economic development in a country. Unfortunately many people still see climate change in this way. Due to this perception, of efforts to deal with climate change as economically damaging, trying to bring change in government policies for climate change is even more of a struggle. Durban, South Africa has actually made some impressive progress in mainstreaming climate change which will hopefully lead to decision makers realizing the importance of this issue. The article “Thinking globally, action locally-institutionalizing climate change at the local government level in Durban, South Africa” by Debra Roberts hones in … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics
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