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Dickinson to Durban » Climate Change

Attacking Global Warming

What strategies have been used to promote doubt about climate change? Have they been effective? With what consequences? When ideas concerning global warming and climate change circulated during the mid 1900’s they were met with strong opposition from a handful of renowned physicists. These men tried several methods to merchandize doubt about the issue, all of which confused the public and the government and slowed the progress of policy making. In 1989 Bill Nierenberg, Robert Jastrow and Frederick Seitz (As part of the Marshall Institute) began to attack global warming. Their first strategy was to relocate the blame from fossil fuels to the sun. They wrote a small book called “Global Warming: What Does the Science Tell Us?,” in which they picked and organized data to their liking, and presented it to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Summer Reading Responses

Evidence of Anthropogenic Warming

Referring to figure 3 on page 182 in Weart, how would you argue that we have entered a time of anthropogenic warming?  If you had been living in the 16th to 19th centuries and had the data of figure 3 to that point in time how would you argue the possibility of climate change?  Extrapolating a story from climate change data is difficult because there is a great deal of variability involved.  Weather and temperature change constantly so exact numbers often fade to averages and estimates.  The further back in history one explores, the more uncertainty there will be simply because of less technology and attention paid to the subject.  However, through ice, pollen, soil, and fossil samples, scientists have pieced together the story of earth’s climate.  The graph on page … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Summer Reading Responses

What’s a few degrees warmer?

When discussing global climate change invariably someone starts talking about the weather. Weather and climate are not the same. We can comment on changes in weather from day to day or year to year, but climate is much bigger. Climate is from decade to decade or century to century. Sometimes the weather changes and there is a particularly hot summer or mild winter, but that does not prove that climate change is occurring. Climate does not change from year to year like the weather does. The increase of the global temperature even just a few degrees will cause smaller ice sheets, extinction of animals and changes their habitat range, as well as more severe weather. Depending on one’s location this could mean a more brutal winter. Our humanness would lead … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Summer Reading Responses, Weather

Manipulators of Science

The process of science is one of questioning, testing, interpreting results, challenging findings, retesting, reviewing evidence and asking new questions. Are the activities of scientists who are said to be merchants of doubt about climate change different from what constitutes good scientific practice?  In Merchants of Doubt, Oreskes and Conway expose the fact that ‘scientists’ such as Fred Singer and Fred Seitz are not really scientists at all.  Yes, they challenge findings and constantly refuse to accept studies because they say they need to be retested, but their motives are not to further scientific knowledge for the betterment of people.  Their sole objective is to make money by ensuring that the industries in which they invest and the organizations which fund their ‘research’ are not rejected by society as a result … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Summer Reading Responses