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Dickinson to Durban » Mosaic Action


  As many know, developed countries such as the United States, have been the primary emitters of Greenhouse Gasses (GHG) and are often accused of causing global climate change.  This may be so, but pointing fingers will only get us so far.  What we need to look at going forward is how to mitigate the problem of global climate change and where the future emissions will come from.  With more and more countries trying to make the move from “developing” to “developed”, we are bound to see a slew of industrial revolutions and thus a significant in GHG emission from countries that currently produce the smallest amounts.  How do we prevent these increased emissions while still allowing these developing countries to prosper?  Sustainable development! One problem, sustainable development is expensive, far more so … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action

Mosaic Students Attend Shale Gas Outrage

On Wednesday September 7, seven mosaic students traveled to Philadelphia for a day to participate in the Shale Gas Outrage protest held near the convention center. We attended a rally during which a variety of speakers and performers shared their views and stories about Marcellus shale. The rally culminated in a march in downtown Philly which ended in front of Governor Corbett’s office. The march attracted the attention of many passersby, and hopefully sent a message to the industry officials who were in meetings in the convention center that hydrofracking is an unacceptable practice.  The energy and passion at the protest were inspiring and motivating.  Below is a collection of photos from the day.  … Read entire article »

Filed under: Mosaic Action

Global Climate Change, Dealt with Locally

Picture this, you’re driving your car down the road, the musics playing, you’re laughing with your friends, having a great time and you don’t have a care in the world.  You’re not thinking about the fact that as you are driving, you’re emitting a number of different pollutants, many of which are contributing to the Green House Gasses (GHGs) in the atmosphere and that those GHGs are contributing to what we know today as Global Climate Change.  You’re also probably not thinking about the fact that your contribution to Global Climate Change is not only effecting you but everyone on this planet.  Climate Change received the “global” precursor because the effects are not localized and because it it something that everyone one this planet can and have contributed to, whether they are aware or not.  So, the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Mosaic Action

Varying Approaches

Global climate change is a global problem. It is affecting every area of the planet right now. It is affecting humans, plants, animals, chemical cycles, the atmosphere and ocean composition. Climate change is also a result of actions from every corner of the world, from the smoke stacks of China to the farming of a small village in Kenya to the running water that was left on by a child in Chicago. Climate change is the biggest problem that the human race has ever faced, simply because of its vast variety of causes and effects. So how do we fix it? The concept is simple, if we are all causing the problem and if we are all seeing the effects then we all have a responsibility to fix it. In reality, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Mosaic Action