Dickinson to Durban » Mosaic Action
Women and Gender Constituencies at COP17
By Claire Tighe ‘13 As a young person acting more as a RINGO (Research Institution Non-Governmental Organization) here at COP17, it’s been sort of difficult to find a place amongst all the chaos. We’re not quite YOUNGO (Youth-NGO), not quite RINGO, not Masters or Law students (we’re undergrads!). As a feminist and Women’s and Gender Studies major, one of the ways I’ve been able to find a “home” here at the COP is by attending the Women’s and Gender Caucus meetings first thing each morning. Here, official delegates and NGOs, such as WEDO, Oxfam, GenderCC, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, and the Sierra Club meet to talk about the previous day’s negotiations with a focus on women and gender. This group has also split into working groups, which specifically discuss the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Environmental Politics, Featured, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research
A Continuation of Kyoto: Is It Worth It?

By: Christine Burns 14 While the we have been running around to side events and interviews, the delegates of the COP have been tackling some big issues. I am starting to get a sense that the general situation is that each country or block of countries is dealing with different issues from desertification, to sea-level rise, to economic downfall at home that they cannot see eye to eye on this rather broad issue of anthropogenic climate … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research
A look at the positions of the most vulnerable countries of the world

By Anna McGinn ‘14 Together they do not emit enough to tangibly affect the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, yet they are feeling the impacts the most. Climate change is not a thing of the future for these countries, it is happening now. However, for the most part these countries do not have much political power in the international negotiations to actually push through changes that will save their countries. The most vulnerable … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research
YOUNGOs “twinkle” @ COP17
By Dani Thompson ’12 Another day another 8 Rand (=$1)…or is it 7 rand to the dollar today? Life at COP17 here in Durban is beginning to fall into somewhat of a routine; a very wonky one at that. One thing which has quickly become my favorite part of each day is the 8:30 AM morning meeting with YOUNGO. The best way to describe YOUNGO is that it is a group of groups. Youth Non-governmental organizations (hence the NGO of YOUNGO) from all over the world come together to form one cohesive body which has developed a strong presence at the UNFCCC conference of parties. US groups participating in YOUNGO include: SustainUS, the Sierra Student Coalition, Green Peace Green Reporters, Inconvenient Youth, 350.org, and many more! As I said, many of the youth here at … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research
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