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Dickinson to Durban » Mosaic Action

Day One, Quick Morning Update

We’re blogging live at the conference! Quick update: We’re currently interviewing the current chairperson of IPCC Working Group 2. Meanwhile, the UNFCCC Plenary meeting is underway, and our students are trying to get their bearings. I’ll be following AOSIS around. If you’ve got any updates about their whereabouts, negotiating positions or statements, etc, comment here or email! … Read entire article »

Filed under: Carbon Markets, Climate Change, Conservation, Consumption, Environmental Justice, Environmental Politics, Featured, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research, Weather

It’s here! But are countries ready to negotiate and compromise?

It’s here! But are countries ready to negotiate and compromise?

By: Anna McGinn ’14 COP 17 begins on November 28, 7 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 35 seconds from now to be exact.  As exciting as it is that most of the countries in the world will be coming together once again to address the issue of climate change, I am not sure if the world is prepared to make an agreement which will have an impact, once again.  Looking a Kyoto alone, Bangladesh and the most … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action

One Week Till Durban!

One Week Till Durban!

By: Christine Burns ’14 One week till the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties commences in Durban, South Africa, and we’re going to be there!  In all of our studies this semester we have discussed the success and failures of the past conferences leading up to Durban.  So what can we expect from COP 17? Well, the Kyoto Protocol only has one year left, and still progress has been slow on a future emissions agreement.  According to David … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action

Mosaic Group to Washington DC

By: Anna McGinn ’14 Instead of rolling out of bed and heading to classes as usual, on Thursday, October 20 the students in the Mosaic program traveled to DC to meet with United States negotiators, scientists, and government workers.  Over our two days of meeting, we meet with a total of eleven speakers.  Each brought a different point of view to the table, labeling different events as successes and failures and focusing on different angles of the problems and possible solutions.  Everyone emphasized the need for immediate action on an international scale, but few expressed optimistic sentiments about the upcoming negotiations.  One speaker, Jennifer Morgan from the World Resource Institute (WRI), explained a comprehensive plan that would lead the world in the direction of international agreement on actions that need to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research