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Dickinson to Durban » Environmental Justice

Climate Change, Gender Vulnerability and Zimbabwe

Claire Tighe ’13 Some quick thoughts and on the relationship between gendered vulnerability and climate change in Zimbabwe, as stated through the Heinrich Boll Stiftung report entitled, “Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Preparedness in Southern Africa: Zimbabwe Country Report 2010.” Download the report here. In 2010 the German Green Party published the aforementioned document outlining and evaluating the present state of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Zimbabwe. The report claims that current gender inequalities are compounding effects of climate change, “A deliberate and extensive effort is needed to integrate gender issues into Zimbabwe’s response to climate change. Gender disaggregated data on vulnerabilities is needed at both micro and macro levels. The accentuated vulnerability of women to climate change should be acknowledged, researched, and integrated in plannig and strategy building. Policy … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues