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Dickinson to Durban » Summer Reading Responses

Hiding Global Warming

Oreskes and Conway contend that a small number of scientists have merchandised doubt on many of the most important issues of our time by fighting scientific evidence and spreading confusion (page 9). In the case of climate change, is the evidence for their contention convincing? Climate change has clearly fallen victim to the same tactics as the other case studies looked at in Merchants of Doubt by Oreskes and Conway. When it has been known since 1995 that global warming is a reality and people are still unsure or confused, clearly there is something out of place(169). One of the main themes through out the book is the industries claim that the media needs to keep a balance of the sides of the argument. But just as with the other case … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses

New England weather is fickle, but to this extent?

As early as the 1930s, the person on the street was discussing how “the weather wasn’t what it used to be.” How is your personal experience with the weather congruent or incongruent with what climate scientists are telling us? Memories of the storms and extreme weather of our childhood are always exaggerated. Yet in my short 21 years living, I believe that we can see the difference in weather from previous years and decades that scientists have predicted. Just looking at the weather of the east coast of the United States over the past years, shows that we truly are in times of change. The Discovery of Global Warming by Spencer Weart highlights the seemingly contrasting changes I have noticed in the weather and storms throughout my childhood. The most basic … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses

Weather vs. Climate: What is the difference?

How can we reconcile the variability of weather with that of climate?  How does our humanness restrict our thinking? I have been taking Environmental Studies courses for as long as I can remember; continually covered in class is the topic of Climate Change.  The first lesson on Climate Change is always the difference between “weather” and “climate.”  The distinction between the two always seems to be a common misconception for us humans.  The general public has a tendency to believe that the terms weather and climate are interchangeable.  In truth, they are quite different.  Weather is defined by the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, etc.  Climate, on the other hand, is defined as the composite of prevailing weather conditions in a region, throughout the year, averaged … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses

Learning Democracy and Equality in Suppressed South Africa

How did Mandela’s childhood and education impact his political philosophy?   Nelson Mandela is a prime example of a person who has always had the courage and strength to follow what he believes is right. Certain aspects of his political philosophy have never wavered no matter the time or date. The main focus is on the importance of democracy and equality among all South Africans as well as across the rest of the world. Looking back on his childhood, it is obvious that gradual changes throughout his life made Mr. Mandela who he is today. Even before he was old enough to understand, his father was a leading role model for his belief in equality and democracy. Mr. Mandela’s father was a chief but lost his chieftainship when a dispute arises between Mr. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses