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How Much is the Future Worth?

By Timothy Damon ’12 The economics behind policies to address climate change can be highly confusing, especially with different economists reaching very different conclusions. One example of such disagreement is seen between the work of The Stern Review and the review of the Review made by Nordhaus. Their point of contention centers upon the implementation of an economic principle known as “discounting”. But what is discounting? Simply put, discounting is a means of comparing the relative values of present and future costs or benefits. The idea is that $100 dollars would benefit you more today than it would a year from now. This is due to the fact that time itself has a value; money now can be invested to generate more over time. Thus, your $100 dollars today could, just by … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics

The Stern Review: Economics gets a heart

By Dani Thompson ’12 The Stern Review on the economics of climate change is a 600+ page document published in 2006 by British economist, Sir Nicholas Stern. In an article published by The First Post in 2006, Stern admitted that up until 2005, less a year before the report was published, “[I] had an idea what the green house effect was but wasn’t really sure.” although shortly after beginning to compile the report he was, “convinced that this was a really big and fundamental issue.” (Full article here). Of course, I will not disagree with the latter statement, but I am always weary to read reports on climate change issues which are drawn up by non-scientists or environmentally concerned persons. This concern is based on personal experience, having read report after … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses

Cost of Climate Change to Increase!!

Cost of Climate Change to Increase!!

By: Christine Burns ’14 There is a lot of uncertainty in the general public about climate change.  Many people feel that mitigation efforts will cost too much, and that we should worry about it later.  The Stern executive summary suggests otherwise. Stern clearly states that it is in our best interest economically to address climate change sooner rather than later.   The Stern review agrees that it will cost money upfront to address climate change, but the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Consumption, Weather

The Thin Line

By Sam Pollan 14′ Reducing emissions is a long and arduous task that cannot be completed overnight. This does not mean we can sit back and wait to hit the peak and then we will start reducing emissions. We need to develop national and international protocols immediately so that as we peak we can achieve the steep reductions necessary to prevent dangerous anthropogenic warming. Scientific estimates indicate that while emissions are still growing, without serious reductions over time we will exceed targeted GHG levels. Time is not on our side in this issue. Most scientists say that emissions must peak within ten or twenty years in order to reduce drastic climate change, or worse, require large sums of money to pay for damages caused by climate change. That being said, it is … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change