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Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "2009"

From Copenhagen to Durban

This summer when I was researching the past Conferences of the Parties it’s start as COP-1, the one conclusion I consistently found about the Copenhagen COP-15 was that nothing concrete in the way of real policy was accomplished. I remember thinking that what I was reading was perhaps biased—was this conclusion really true? Had nothing been accomplished—after all Cancun and now South Africa negotiations were subsequently being held after the “failed” Copenhagen COP-15? Where were the legally-binding policy most of the developing country wanted to desperately see? Reading first the actual Accord that came out of Copenhagen and subsequent reactions and criticisms following that negotiation, I felt that I was finally reading a more balanced account of what really occurred at the Copenhagen conference. Some of the criticisms reacted to the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses