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Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Anna McGinn"

Resorting to Violence: Did the ANC have a choice?

Explain the reasons behind the creation of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).  Do you think adopting violence as a method strengthened or weakened the anti-apartheid movement? Adopting violence as the movement’s revised strategy after almost fifty years of preaching nonviolent resistance was undoubtedly a complicated decision with immense ramifications.  On one hand, the choice to use violence demonstrated to ANC supporters that nonviolence could not destroy Apartheid which is demoralizing.  It showed that they were not strong and united enough to conquer violence without partaking in it.  On the other hand, the ANC simply did not have a choice.  They would not achieve their vision of a free state for all people without using more aggressive means to achieve it.  Due to the force of the National Party, violence did strengthen the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses