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Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Christine Burns"

Did violence strengthen the movement?

1.      Explain the reasons behind the creating of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK). Do you think adopting violence as a method strengthened or weakened the anti-apartheid movement? Umkhoto we Sizwe (MK) was formed after fifty years of non-violent resistance by the ANC. In those fifty years, non-violent resistance brought a sense of unity to the masses, but it had not managed to instigate changes in the government. After fifty years people were tired of having their peaceful resistance met with harsh and unnecessary violence. When MK is formed it is to take the resistance to the next level. Non-violent resistance has united the African people, but the movement was starting to fall apart as people became more frustrated with the lack of results. Fifty years later and they are still fighting the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Mosaic Action, Summer Reading Responses

Public media the source of doubt on climate change

Public media has greatly contributed the confusion and doubt about climate change. The general public trusts the media. They trust the journalists who write for the New York Times, Time Magazine, and the like to do all the research and then present the information unbiased. Obviously it is nearly impossible to be completely unbiased, but in some sense, journalists are employed to do research so that everyone else does not have to, and their reports shape the opinion of the public. Therefore the public expects these investigators to get expert opinions on the subject, to explore all sides of an opinion, and use scientific evidence to write a piece that either expresses the truth to the best of their knowledge or presents all the facts so that the reader can … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Summer Reading Responses