Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Climate Action Network"
Interviews and Life Learning

Esther Babson After almost a week of being in the same building as negotiations and interviewing delegates I finally attempted to sit in on a planery meeting! Can you believe it? How is it possible that I’ve talked with these incredible delegates and still haven’t even seen a meeting?! Even worse because the meeting was delayed I ended up having to leave before it even started to make it to an interview! Hopefully I’ll eventually find … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
CAN Updates-Day 3
Each day at 12:30, a group called Climate Action Network International (or CAN) holds press (and public) briefings on the state of the negotiations. Here are a few of their highlights: Going into COP17, there are “big political problems that need to be resolved.” (Georgiana Woods, CAN Australia) These are mostly technical issues about how the negotiations will work and how to proceed with this COP. Unfortunately, it may be that the delegations cannot quite do this. Rather, next week, once many of the political leaders join the conference, they will be able to decide what is realistic for the negotiations, and how to move forward. According to Woods, “This meeting is a turning point for negotiations. We’ve gone as far down the road of deferring action as we can.” This is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Carbon Markets, Climate Change, Conservation, Consumption, Environmental Justice, Environmental Politics, Featured, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research
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