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Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "COP17"

Day Two: Ahhh This is a Global Conference!!!!!

Elena Capaldi `14.  So having finally found my bearings today on the second day of the conference, like Esther posted, I now have noticed the nuances of attanding an international conference. While yesterday, i was simply overwhelmed hearing English accents in the same minute as a participant speaking Zulu, I now appreciate (and am less overwhelmed) by the diverse number of people here! This afternoon, for example, I caught a break outside sitting on a beautiful lawn and munching on a spicy vegetable sandwich. For some reason, it finally clicked in my brain that I am eating something totally new, from people totally different from me, in a land I’ve never been. The simple act of eating this meal reminded me of all the different foods I’ve seen and heard about … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Consumption, Student Research

Welcome to Durban: a world of uncertainty

Welcome to Durban: a world of uncertainty

By: Maggie Rees 20,000 people, 75 degrees, interviews, meetings, and more meetings.  Durban is certainly overwhelming and exciting.  It’s so funny how we are right in the middle of all the action and still have no idea what’s actually going on.  Times like these you realize how essential press briefings are.  Yesterday, November 28, 2011, I attended a press briefing by Climate Action Network International (CAN).  Along with CAN, Oxfam, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) International, and … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change

Disney or Durban? First Day Reflections

By: Emily Bowie ’14 I feel like I’m at Disney. The flora is pretty much the same, it’s hot and sticky, I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get to interesting events on time, there’s people everywhere talking in languages I don’t know, and I’m fenced in an area that is beautifully constructed and impeccably clean. There are a few important differences of course, there are no children, everyone is dressed up and important, and there are screens at every corner playing loud and live footage of the internal conference that we cannot attend. It’s the first day and I’ve already been swept off my feet. This is amazing. There are more events to go to than I have time for, there are so many important … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues, Student Research

Ready or not…

Ready or not…

As COP17 looms ever closer, one must ask what outcome is reasonable to expect. According to a document released early this month, the UN has officially identified several important items it is placing its hopes on for the Conference: 1. Building institutions to aid the response of developing countries to climate change; 2. Agreeing on a pathway for realizing emissions reductions down the road; 3. Figuring out what will become of the Kyoto Protocol.   Let’s take a quick look at … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues